Dear Support,
I would like to set a certain value in the bound grid and post that value to the database, too. I'm using something like this:
procedure TFrmPLUItems.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
MainView.DataController.Values[0, 5] := 'test';
MainView.DataController.Post (true);
On beforePost I can see that the field linked to this column has not changed so 'test' is not posted to the database.
What is the correct approach?
Thank you
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Hello Johannes,
Thank you for your message.
To change a value in our ExpressQuantumGrid component manually in a bound mode, you need to use the SetEditValue method instead of the Values property.
For more information, please refer to the "TcxCustomDataController.SetEditValue" help topic.
Thank you, Sergey M
Thank you Sergey!
I am aware of the SetEditValue method but it's not really convenient in my case since it only works for the record currently being edited.
Anyway - I have modified the logic to update the underlying dataset directly.
Best regards,
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