Ticket Q361782
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Load RTF with Images in TcxRichEdit

created 13 years ago

We are using TcxRichEdit control in Delphi 2007. We want to show RTF file to the user and let him edit it and then at the end save it back to the hard disk as RTF.
When we use the following line to load the document which is attached with this message, it displays the Text part only not the images.
We have tested several combinations but its not working.
Is there anyway to achieve what we want?
Thanks in anticipation.
Ahmad Jalil Qarshi

Show previous comments (2)
DevExpress Support Team 13 years ago

    Thank you for your message. I am afraid that TcxRichEdit does not provide such a capability. However, it seems it is possible to implement your second approach. Please refer to the http://documentation.devexpress.com/#WindowsForms/CustomDocument9333 page and take a look at the "DOC (MS Word 97-2003) Format" para. Hopefully, it will help you achieve the required functionality.
    Best Regards,

      Thanks Paulo,
      That really helps.
      Ahmad Jalil Qarshi

      DevExpress Support Team 13 years ago

        I am glad to hear that you have found my assistance helpful.
        Best Regards,

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