I access properties (here: the fieldname of the underlying Dataset) of the focused cell in a TcxDBVerticalGrid using this code:
UnicodeString aFieldName;
if (vgAdresse->FocusedRow->InheritsFrom(__classid(TcxDBEditorRow))) {
aFieldName = ((TcxDBEditorRow*)vgAdresse->FocusedRow)->Properties->DataBinding->FieldName;
How can I access the same property of a focused cell, if the row is a MultiEditorRow?
Thank you in advance
We have closed this ticket because another page addresses its subject:
I would like to get FieldName from FocusedRow
Hello Andreas,
Thank you for your message.
This task has been already discussed in our Support Center. Please review the DQ43855("I would like to get FieldName from FocusedRow") report.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions regarding the use of our controls. We will do our best to find an appropriate solution for you.
thank you for your reply. One question to:
AType := TcxMultiEditorRow(ACustomRow).Properties.Editors[<AIndex>].DataBinding.ValueType;
Where can a get the value of <AIndex> from?
Best regards
Hello Andreas.
Thank you for your response. Please take a look at the How to detect focused datacell (index etc.) in MultiEditorRow report that describes how to get the corresponding Index.
I hope it will help you achieve the required functionality.
Best regards,