Hi Guys,
what exaclty is needed to fully enable the asynchronous mode in the analysis module? can you share some infos?
Proposed Solution:
Support this mode in PivotGrid ListEditors and Analysis module.
PivotGrid - How to enable the asynchronous mode
Hello Noxe,
Thank you for your message.
We have not yet researched how to implement this feature in XAF and whether there are any issues.
According to the blog, setting the UseAnyncMode property to True (after default pivot grid settings were loaded from the database) should be enough:
private void CustomizeGrid(PivotGridControl grid) {
grid.OptionsBehavior.UseAsyncMode = true;
//Dennis: You can also control the loading panel delay. It is 300 milliseconds by default.
//grid.OptionsBehavior.LoadingPanelDelay = 500;
See Also:
Modules - Provide a module similar to the Analysis module, and take advantages of the new PivotGrid and Chart List Editors in it
Just wanted to follow up on this async mode - you will unlikely notice how it works with small data sources (e.g. in the MainDemo with a couple of records only in the data source).
This is because the loading panel appears only after 300 milliseconds by default. You can reach this time limit only with large and complex data sources (about 50-100k records) and complex pivot grid layouts.
You can control this delay via the OptionsBehavior.LoadingPanelDelay property. I hope you find this information helpful.
See Also:
Thank you for the update Dennis. I have indeed large data - thats why i asked this - my users are waiting since the beginning for this!
Initialy i looked here \Public\Documents\DevExpress 2011.1 Demos\Components\WinForms\XtraPivotGrid\CS\PivotGridMainDemo\Modules\AsyncMode.cs - the demo used the AsyncCompletedHandler in several places, so i was not sure if its as simple as set one property. I will give it a try!