Ticket Q208313
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ASPxLookupPropertyEditor Tabstop

created 16 years ago

When tabbing thru a web page, is it possible to disable the TabStop on the add and clear buttons in the ASPxLookupDropDownEdit control, so that after picking a value from the dropdown and tabbing, control would flow directly to the next control, skipping over the add and clear buttons? How would this be done?

Comments (1)
Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 16 years ago

    Hello Ted,
    In general, to prevent the control from getting focus, set its TabIndex property to -1.
    I tested our MainDemo application in order to reproduce your problem.
    In the Contact detail view I chose a manager, and then pressed the Tab button. The next editor has been highlighted. It works as expected for me in the Chrome. See the screenshot.
    However, I see the problem in the IE. To solve it, use the solution above. To access the controls of this editor, use the code from the Does the ASP lookup editor support incremental search? issue.
    Please give me your feedback on these solutions.

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