i assigned a unbound column in a grid and made its type as image. On click of right button, on pop up menu, i clicked, Load from file and then it shows the image. Till this pint everything is working fine.
My question is, i want to get/extract name of the file which i loaded and then save it to table.
How i can achieve this?
Thanks in advance,
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Hi Parv,
We've put your inquiry on our support queue and will research the situation in detail.
Just an idea: Try using the approach, described in the following Knowledge Base article:
"How to dynamically load image files into a GridView based upon the path stored in a particular column"
It implies that you store only image paths, but load and display images dynamically. If this approach serves your needs, I welcome you to close this report.
P.S. By the way, it seems you're using an older build of our components (according to the report's Version field). Please visit our version info page at http://www.devexpress.com/Support/Versions.xml, to learn about the most recent versions of our products, and obtain instructions on how to update them.
Hi Serge,
Thanks for reply. Infact I looked into example, I know I will use it later but my question is not that.
I need to know the file name when we right click on image , load the file.
I think this example doesn't reply that.
Thank you for the additional clarification
Unfortunately the TcxImage doesn't provide this functionality.
The name of a loaded file is in TcxCustomImage.LoadFromFile function, but you can't override this function.
Oh, so there is no way I can get the file name. Do you suggest any other way/functionality to achieve/get the file name?
Would you like to add this feature in future releases?
You can assign the custom menu to the TcxImage by using the PopupMenu property and to process pressing its items.
You can also create new suggestions. And if users become interested this feature we will add it in the future.