Ticket DQ43855
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I would like to get FieldName from FocusedRow

created 18 years ago

I would like to get FocusedField as I could do it in TdxDBInspector. I do it like this:
      AControl := Screen.ActiveControl;
      if (AControl is TdxDbInspector) and TdxDbInspector(AControl).IsActive and
        (TdxDbInspector(AControl).FocusedField.FieldKind = fkData)
ShowFieldInfo is my procedure that show field properties.

Comments (3)
DevExpress Support Team 18 years ago

    Thank you for the message. The peculiarity of processing CX editors via the ActiveControl is described in our knowledge base article "How to obtain the CX editor corresponding to the ActiveControl property" at http://www.devexpress.com/kbA1102. As for your task, you can verify whether the vertical grid inplace editor is actived and process its FocusedRow as follows.

      ACustomRow: TcxCustomRow;
    if (ActiveControl is TcxCustomInnerTextEdit) and (ActiveControl.Parent.Parent is TcxDBVerticalGrid) then
         ACustomRow := TcxDBVerticalGrid(ActiveControl.Parent.Parent).FocusedRow;
         AFieldName := TcxDBEditorRow(ACustomRow).Properties.DataBinding.FieldName;

      This will not work with MultiEditor row. Can you please provide code for it.
      Thank you !

      DevExpress Support Team 18 years ago

        You can try to type cast the obtained ACustomRow to the TcxMultiEditorRow class object:
          ACustomRow: TcxCustomRow;
          AType: String;
        if (ActiveControl is TcxCustomInnerTextEdit) and (ActiveControl.Parent.Parent is TcxVerticalGrid) then
             ACustomRow := TcxVerticalGrid(ActiveControl.Parent.Parent).FocusedRow;
             if ACustomRow is TcxMultiEditorRow then
                AType := TcxMultiEditorRow(ACustomRow).Properties.Editors[<AIndex>].DataBinding.ValueType;
        I hope this will help you.

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