Ticket A2352
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Customizing Event and Event recurrence dialogs

created 20 years ago (modified a year ago)

How would one modify or replace the event modal dialog? I believe I can use the ExpressScheduler to make an awesome front-end to one of my apps, but I need to add a few fields to the event. I would prefer if those fields could be accessed at the same time the event is created. The event dialog would be the obvious choice.


You can derive a custom dialog form from the required dialog form (TcxSchedulerEventEditor or TcxSchedulerRecurrenceEventEditor) and assign it to the corresponding dialog class variable:

initialization cxEventEditorClass := cxSchedulerCustomizedEventEditorForm; cxRecurrenceEventEditorClass: TcxSchedulerRecurrenceEventEditorClass = TcxSchedulerRecurrenceCustomizedEventEditor; end.

Override the dialog form's TcxSchedulerCustomizedEventEditorForm.LoadEventValuesIntoControls and TcxSchedulerCustomizedEventEditorForm.DoHelperSaveChanges to load and save custom field values:

procedure TcxSchedulerCustomizedEventEditorForm.cxLookupComboBox1PropertiesChange( Sender: TObject); begin Modified := True; end; procedure TcxSchedulerCustomizedEventEditorForm.DoHelperSaveChanges; begin inherited; if cbCustomField.EditModified then Event.SetCustomFieldValueByName('CustomField_Value', cbCustomField.EditValue); end; procedure TcxSchedulerCustomizedEventEditorForm.LoadEventValuesIntoControls; begin inherited; cbCustomField.EditValue := Event.GetCustomFieldValueByName('CustomField_Value'); end;


  • Due to the particularities of the IDE's form inheritance mechanisms, you need to include the required dialog unit (cxSchedulerEventEditor~ or cxSchedulerRecurrenceEditor~) in your project.
cxSchedulerEventEditor in 'C:\Program Files (x86)\DevExpress\VCL\ExpressScheduler\Sources\cxSchedulerEventEditor.pas' {cxSchedulerEventEditorForm};
  • The attached project illustrates the main idea. You need to modify it according to your task requirements.
Show previous comments (11)
Michael Tuttle 7 years ago

    Greetings PLJ,

    Add these to you project manager source
    C:\Delphi XE\Components\DevExpress\ExpressScheduler\Sources\cxSchedulerEventEditor.pas
    C:\Delphi XE\Components\DevExpress\ExpressScheduler\Sources\cxSchedulerRecurrenceEditor.pas

    Then select File | New | Other… and select cxSchedulerEventEditorForm and cxSchedulerRecurrenceEditorFrom (Inheritied) from the "New Items" dialog and modify these inherited forms as needed.


    EZ EZ
    Evgeniy Zhukov 6 years ago

      Well if added NEW elements it is ok, but how do I edit captions at least of the controls which are INHERITED? Changing them in MyCustomEvent.dfm (inherited) form or in Dev original cxSchedulerEventEditor.dfm doesn't influence on runtime Event dialog.

      DevExpress Support Team 6 years ago


        I've created a separate ticket on your behalf (Cannot change custom dialog's captions). It has been placed in our processing queue and will be answered shortly.

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