Ticket A177
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How to create a toolbar application menu and populate it at runtime

created 21 years ago (modified 5 years ago)

I would like to drop a BarManager onto a form and then during the form's OnCreate event create the menus and toolbars in code. Do you have any examples on how this can be achieved?

From time to time you may need to create toolbars or bar items at runtime. The attached sample demonstrates the full run-time creation of a BarManager, toolbars, categories, items and item links.

var ABarManager: TdxBarManager; B1, B2: TdxBarButton; ABarItem: TdxBarItem; ALargeButton: TdxBarLargeButton; begin // create a BarManager ABarManager := TdxBarManager.Create(Self); // ---------------------------------- // create a toolbar with ABarManager.Bars.Add do begin DockingStyle := dsTop; Visible := True; Caption := 'Toolbar'; end; // create the main menu with ABarManager.Bars.Add do begin DockingStyle := dsTop; Visible := True; IsMainMenu := True; Caption := 'Menu'; end; // ---------------------------------- // add a category ABarManager.Categories.Add('Main category'); // ---------------------------------- // create buttons B1 := ABarManager.AddButton; with B1 do begin Caption := 'BarButton 1'; Category := ABarManager.Categories.IndexOf('Main category'); Description := 'A button'; Glyph.Assign(Image1.Picture.Graphic); OnClick := Button1Click; end; B2 := ABarManager.AddButton; B2.Caption := 'BarButton 2'; ALargeButton := ABarManager.AddItem(TdxBarLargeButton) as TdxBarLargeButton; ALargeButton.Caption := 'LargeButton'; // create a subitem ABarItem := ABarManager.AddSubItem; ABarItem.Caption := '&SubMenu'; // ---------------------------------- // assign item links of // the main menu ABarManager.MainMenuBar.LockUpdate := True; ABarManager.MainMenuBar.ItemLinks.Add.Item := ABarItem; ABarManager.MainMenuBar.LockUpdate := False; // a submenu TdxBarSubItem(ABarItem).ItemLinks.Add.Item := B1; with TdxBarSubItem(ABarItem).ItemLinks.Add do begin Item := B2; Index := 0; // make it to be the first item link of the submenu end; // a toolbar ABarManager.Bars[0].LockUpdate := True; ABarManager.Bars[0].ItemLinks.Add.Item := B2; with ABarManager.Bars[0].ItemLinks.Add do begin Item := B1; BeginGroup := True; UserPaintStyle := psCaptionGlyph; end; ABarManager.Bars[0].LockUpdate := False; ABarManager.Bars[0].ItemLinks.Add.Item := ALargeButton; // ---------------------------------- end;
// create a BarManager TdxBarManager *ABarManager = new TdxBarManager(this); // ---------------------------------- // create a toolbar TdxBar *AToolBar = ABarManager->Bars->Add(); AToolBar->DockingStyle = dsTop; AToolBar->Visible = True; AToolBar->Caption = "Toolbar"; // create the main menu TdxBar *AMainMenu = ABarManager->Bars->Add(); AMainMenu->DockingStyle = dsTop; AMainMenu->Visible = True; AMainMenu->IsMainMenu = True; AMainMenu->Caption = "Menu"; // ---------------------------------- // add a category ABarManager->Categories->Add("Main category"); // ---------------------------------- // create buttons TdxBarButton *B1 = ABarManager->AddButton(); B1->Caption = "BarButton 1"; B1->Category = ABarManager->Categories->IndexOf("Main category"); B1->Description = "A button"; B1->Glyph->Assign(Image1->Picture->Graphic); B1->OnClick = Button1Click; TdxBarButton *B2 = ABarManager->AddButton(); B2->Caption = "BarButton 2"; TdxBarLargeButton *ALargeButton = ((TdxBarLargeButton*) ABarManager->AddItem( __classid(TdxBarLargeButton) ) ); ALargeButton->Caption = "LargeButton"; // create a subitem TdxBarSubItem *ABarSubItem = ABarManager->AddSubItem(); ABarSubItem->Caption = "&SubMenu"; // ---------------------------------- // assign item links of // the main menu ABarManager->MainMenuBar->LockUpdate = True; ABarManager->MainMenuBar->ItemLinks->Add()->Item = ABarSubItem; ABarManager->MainMenuBar->LockUpdate = False; // a submenu ABarSubItem->ItemLinks->Add()->Item = B1; TdxBarItemLink *ABarItemLink = ABarSubItem->ItemLinks->Add(); ABarItemLink->Item = B2; ABarItemLink->Index = 0; // make it to be the first item link of the submenu // a toolbar ABarManager->Bars->Items[0]->LockUpdate = True; ABarManager->Bars->Items[0]->ItemLinks->Add()->Item = B2; ABarItemLink = ABarManager->Bars->Items[0]->ItemLinks->Add(); ABarItemLink->Item = B1; ABarItemLink->BeginGroup = True; ABarItemLink->UserPaintStyle = psCaptionGlyph; ABarManager->Bars->Items[0]->LockUpdate = False; ABarManager->Bars->Items[0]->ItemLinks->Add()->Item = ALargeButton; // ---------------------------------- }

See also:
How to make ExpressBars add new items to toolbars when releasing a new application version
Why are dynamically created items not displayed when loading settings in the next sessions of an application?

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