Ticket A1095
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How to set up an unbound item in a data-aware View

created 21 years ago (modified 7 months ago)

I would like to have a column in my database-aware view for specific purposes, but I do not need to store the values of this column in the underlying table. Thus, I do not want to add an extra field to the database table's structure.


If you wish to use this column for selection purposes, you can enable our web-style selection checkboxes.

If you need a generic checkbox column, you can create an empty column, use HitTests to respond to user actions, handle the OnGetDataText or OnCustomDrawCell event to display text, and store values in a separate structure (e.g., an array or a dictionary).

If you need to implement an unbound column with a textbox editor, follow these steps:

uses cxDataStorage; ... aCol.DataBinding.ValueTypeClass := TcxStringValueType;

The attached project illustrates the general idea. You need to replace FValues and FStates arrays with your own structure (e.g., based on TDictionary), and manually sort them and add or delete their values when the view's structure is changed. DataController.OnDataChanged may help you detect this change.

See also:
How to display an image from a data table in an Unbound View
How to show a row number value in an unbound Grid column
How to set an item's Properties at runtime

Show previous comments (15)
Rolf Klimaschewski 4 years ago

    no, it is "msmStandard"

    RK RK
    Rolf Klimaschewski 4 years ago

      but, it dosn't matter, if it is "msmStandard" or "msmPersistent" - always the same behavior.

      i changed the datamodell an add a DB-Field - that work fine!

        Fair enough, your OptionsSelection needed to be set to

        • multiselectmode msmPersistent
        • UnselectFocusedRecordnExit False

        That should work

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