Ticket S34863
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ObjectSpace - provide an option to control whether the ObjectSpace is modified when a non-persistent property is changed

created 15 years ago

Refer to the Nonpersistent property change makes ObjectSpace modified issue for more details.
It's helpful not to make ObjectSpace modified if we use non-persistent properties just to provide some options in the UI, for example triggers for filtering a nested ListVew.

Answers approved by DevExpress Support

created 13 years ago (modified 12 years ago)

Starting with version 11.2.7 the IObjectSpace class has a new method: void SetModified(Object obj, IMemberInfo memberInfo).
You can use this method not only to inform about object modifications, but also to specify which particular property is changed.
Starting with version 11.2.7 the ObjectSpace class will also have a new NonPersistentChangesEnabled property to control the subject.
To avoid problems in our customers' existing projects in a minor version, this property is set to True by default. However, starting with version 12.1 it is set to False, as it was asked by the majority of our customers during a corresponding forum discussion: http://community.devexpress.com/forums/t/89318.aspx
We will also describe this property in the product documentation.

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