Ticket Q427834
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XPO Data Model Wizard - Provide the capability to create read-only persistent properties

created 13 years ago

How can we have a ReadOnly persistent field put in the model?

One thing I have been doing is subscribing to the Object.Changed event then checking if a field has changed, if so I then set a read only value.

But I would like to see the read only value in the designer so it gives a graphical representation, currently I have to declare it in the partial class.


created 12 years ago (modified 12 years ago)

Hello Michael,
We have implemented your request in 12.2. I should explicitly mention that readonly properties generated by the wizard will follow the pattern shown in this help article.
Take special note that it will be also impossible to make delayed properties readonly via the designer.

    created 12 years ago (modified 11 years ago)

    Hi Michael,
    Unless I'm mistaken, you mean a persistent property without a setter (e.g. as demonstrated in the How to: Use Read-Only Persistent Properties article). This capability is not currently supported. We will consider it regarding future releases of our wizard.

      Comments (1)
      M M
      Michael Proctor [DX-Squad] 13 years ago

        Yes a readonly persistent property with a private setter. OK will await a future release.

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