Ticket Q424386
Visible to All Users

Provide more descriptive diagnostic info about missing permissions

created 13 years ago

Please could you change in SessionObjectLayer.cs in your source code
at lines 502 and 529

(original version)
throw new InvalidOperationException(Xpo.Res.GetString(Xpo.Res.Security_SavingAnObjectWasProhibitedByTheRules));

(to proposed version)
throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("{0} {1}", Xpo.Res.GetString(Xpo.Res.Security_SavingAnObjectWasProhibitedByTheRules), saveItem.TheObject.GetType().ToString()));

Now it takes much effort to find missing permissions in some scenarios.

Thank you


Comments (1)
Dennis Garavsky (DevExpress) 13 years ago

    Thank you for the suggestion, Michal. We will take it into account.

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