All-in-One BI Platform, Reports & Interactive Dashboards

Self-service BI for Business Users


HTTP API for Developers

DevExpress Report & Dashboard Server helps reduce development/IT workload as it empowers users to create and manage documents (reports, dashboards) on their own.

Our fully-integrated solution empowers employees and allows your team to make effective data-driven decisions. The DevExpress Report & Dashboard Server ships with a built-in Designer - with a host of report and data visualization options.

Create a Report    Create a Dashboard

Use the Report & Dashboard Server and its BI capabilities as an additional distributed backend for your web app - retrieve documents from its built-in report/dashboard repository, and deliver documents to users with ease.

Our Web Administration UI is built around public HTTP API endpoints – endpoints that you can also use from within your application. Endpoint calls allow you to manage users, export documents, configure jobs and even data models. Yes, you have full control of the Report & Dashboard Server through its API.

Learn more about HTTP API

Document Distribution

The DevExpress Report and Dashboard Server allows you to use its built-in job scheduler to create, manage and distribute static and interactive documents (reports and business intelligence dashboards) across the enterprise.

Job Scheduler features include:

  • Document delivery via email, link sharing or publishing to a network folder
  • Customizable email message templates
  • Document generation/rendering in PDF, Excel or other supported formats
  • Recurring or single-run jobs
  • Job execution intervals from hours to years
  • Report bursting

Learn more about Document Distribution

After 25 Years of professional windows development I have never seen a library like DevExpress. AWESOME! Ingolf Mönch
Document Distribution - Report and Dashboard Server | DevExpress


The DevExpress Localization Service allows you to translate text and captions for the following Report and Dashboard Server elements:

  • Administrative Dashboard
  • Report and Dashboard Designers and Viewers
  • Error Messages

Learn more about Globalization

I've had a very positive experience with both DevExpress Products & Support. Having used your products for several years they've helped me deliver better solutions / features in a shorter time. Ian Logie
Globalization - Report and Dashboard Server | DevExpress

User Authentication

The Report and Dashboard Server ships with an intuitive User Authentication UI – an interface that makes user account generation a breeze. You can authenticate users through the following:

  • Windows Authentication
  • Server Authentication (login credentials)
  • External Identity Providers working via OpenID Connect or WS-Federation
    (such as Microsoft Entra ID / Azure AD)

You can also activate self-service registration for new users, which automatically adds an account the first time a user logs into the server.

Note: The DevExpress Report and Dashboard login/password authentication method does not support/offer the following features:

  • Ability to prevent brute-force attacks (password guessing).
  • Password strength check (forcing users to create strong passwords and change them frequently).
  • Multi-Factor Authentication (2FA).

Learn more about User Authentication

Authentication - Report and Dashboard Server | DevExpress

Access Rights

The flexible content access system allows server administrators to customize access rights as needed and grant access to specific documents to specific users. For a quick start, the system includes 4 unique built-in security groups related to the document creation process.

Learn more about Integrated Security

I would tell anyone that asks that the Developer Express service and support are world class! I always know with 100% confidence that I will get a response from the support team in a timely manner and that they will persist with me to work through my questions and problems! Jonathan Barksdale / Untether, LLC
Access Rights - Report and Dashboard Server | DevExpress

Flexible Data Model Management

The DevExpress Report and Dashboard Server can manage data models through provider-specific connection strings and the use of the DevExpress Query Builder to select tables and design queries. What used to take hours can now be done in a few clicks. Supported data providers include:

  • MS SQL Server
  • MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL
  • Oracle
  • Firebird
  • Google Big Query
  • Amazon REDSHIFT
  • Teradata
  • OLAP
  • JSON
  • XML, and more...
Easy Data Model Management - Report and Dashboard Server | DevExpress

Document Revision History

Since the Report and Dashboard Server retains a history of changes made to individual documents, users can make changes and know that they can easily go back to approved (earlier) versions of the same document.

The DevExpress Report and Dashboard Server uses optimistic document locking to protect documents from collisions with other users.

Dashboard Auto-Refresh

Need to visualize real-time data? To make "live" data available to your employees, simply open a browser tab, display the appropriate dashboard, and specify the appropriate/custom auto-update period for the dashboard itself.


Desktop Standalone Report Designer

DevExpress Report and Dashboard Server ships with a full-featured, easy-to-use WinForms End-User Report Designer – a designer that serves as the server’s front end. Our easy-to-use Designer is specifically targeted at end users able to create printable documents within desktop applications.


Enterprise Reporting at Its Best

DevExpress Report and Dashboard Server ships with a web-based Report and Dashboard Designer so you, your team and your users can create reports and dashboards that effectively monitor business outcomes and help make effective business decisions.


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Purchase the Subscription and Client Access Licenses (CALs)

The DevExpress Report and Dashboard Server can be purchased as a 12-month subscription on a per-server basis. A Subscription includes 15 Client Access Licenses.

Additional CALs are sold in bundles of 5. You can purchase as many as you require. Report and Dashboard Server CALs do not require renewals.

Report & Dashboard Server with 15 CALs
$1,999.99 Add to Cart
Additional 5 CALs
$500.00 Add to Cart

We are here to help. If you need assistance with your purchase, please call us at +1 (818) 844-3383 or email

Frequently Asked Questions

for IT Departments

Where can I learn about the Report and Dashboard Server system requirements?

You can learn about the requirements to deploy the Report and Dashboard Server in the following article: System Requirements.

How is the DevExpress Report and Dashboard Server licensed and how much does it cost?

The DevExpress Report and Dashboard Server includes a straightforward licensing model. You must purchase a license to the server itself and individual Client Access Licenses (CALs). You can purchase the DevExpress Report and Dashboard Server for $1999.99 (includes 15 CALs). Additional CALs can be purchased in bundles of 5 for $500.

What is a CAL and why do we need it?

A CAL (or Client Access License) represents the right to have an account in the Report and Dashboard Server. Each time a new user is added to the Report and Dashboard Server the available CAL count decrements. Once the CAL count reaches zero, you must either purchase additional CALs, delete a user, or make a user inactive in order to create additional users.

How do we purchase and install additional CALs?

The easiest way to add CALs to Report and Dashboard Server is by navigating to the Report and Dashboard Server Pricing page (use the navigation links above) and by selecting the 5 additional CALs purchase option. Once these CALs have been added to your account, you can re-run the Report and Dashboard Server setup to update the CAL count.

How does the DevExpress Report and Dashboard Server track CALs?

The DevExpress Report and Dashboard Server uses the total count of Active users to calculate the number of CALs used from the available pool. In order to free up a CAL you must either delete a user or make a user inactive.

for Developers

Where can I learn about the Report and Dashboard Server API?

The following document describes the Report and Dashboard Server authentication service API: HTTP API.

Can I redistribute the DevExpress Report and Dashboard Server royalty free?

No. Unlike our .NET controls, our Report and Dashboard Server does not allow you to resell, lease, package, or otherwise distribute the Report and Dashboard Server to a third party.

How can I deploy a solution based on the DevExpress Report and Dashboard Server?

The best way to distribute solutions you've built on top of the DevExpress Report and Dashboard Server is to purchase a Report and Dashboard Server (with 15 CALs) on behalf of your client or have them purchase a license directly. You are not allowed to install your own copy of the Report and Dashboard Server on client premises as the software is licensed for your organization and not for your client's organization.

Can I use DevExpress products to create my own Report and Dashboard Server?

You cannot use DevExpress development products, such as DevExpress UI Controls, Reporting, Dashboard, or others to create a Report and Dashboard Server product that competes with the DevExpress Report and Dashboard Server. DevExpress .NET Controls and Frameworks EULA expressly prohibits this by stating the following in Section 6:


In other words, if you do decide to create a Report and Dashboard Server it must be domain specific (not a general purpose reporting server) or not available for sale.

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